Monday, August 22, 2011

Insides Out

You can’t listen without your ears ON.
The switch is under your chin.
It closes your mouth and opens your mind
And lets all the smarts come right in.
You can’t see if your eyes are closed.
I know, I tried this before.
There’s more to seeing than “meets the eye”
So look ’till those peepers are sore!
Your lips may move. Your breath comes out.
Talking is much more than sound.
Try not to mumble and wait for your turn
Or your thoughts may go “splat” on the ground.
Turn on those ears and open your eyes
And speak up but never shout.
 The whole you is awesome and deserves to be shared
Do let all your insides come out!

I Double Doubt it!

If your friend says she’s an astronaut
Has been to outer space,
If your cousin ate NO cookies
yet has chocolate on his face.
If things just seem peculiar
And you don’t know what to do?
I’d say,”I double doubt it.”, if I were you.
A neighbor may pretend to know
The way things ought to be.
Your Mom describes the dinner fish
As chicken from the sea.
If things seem quite extraordinary
As well as, far from true,
I’d say,”I double doubt it.”, if I were you.
Pegasus and Dumbo can fly
In make-believe.
Magicians often have some tricks
Hidden up their sleeve.
If someone says, “Jump off this bridge
and I will follow too.”
I’d say, “I double doubt it,
Now, after you!”

Friday, October 1, 2010

10 Things That Make Me Happy

Being around kids.
Keeps me "in the moment".

Playing with my dog.
Keeps me "in the moment".

Taking photographs.
Keeps me "in the moment".

Talking with my granddaughter.
Keeps me "in the moment".

Creative activities.
Keeps me "in the moment".

Sitting still in the forest.
Keeps me "in the moment".

Having a drink with friends.
Need I say it again?

Reading a great book.
Good for you...

Good food.

Listening to music.
It reminds me of kept moments.

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Monday, September 27, 2010

If My Life Was a Movie

Only a few real friends and imagination.

This movie is my childhood in a nut shell.

(without the tragedy)

I always loved the outdoors and played endless pretend games...more often alone, on my grandparents' farm and in the forest behind my childhood home. We built tree houses.

My favorite pretending place was the old west and my favorite character to "become" was Annie Oakley.

I did have a pony and spent hours racing and shooting a pop gun at imaginary enemies, my heart pounding with excitement going somewhere where most could not follow.

I still can detach from the moment and live in my mind.

Books are the perfect stairway but solitude in the forest has much the same affect.

No...I never wished to "fit in" but finding a friend,kindred spirit,

validates me and is so rewarding.

Even the "crushes" I would have on people who I felt inspired by, who understood just a bit more, was brought to mind by the relationship with the teacher AND art in that film.

The whole philosophy of this tale of love,loss and imagination is MY story too.

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Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Only if you can Imagine

Only if you can Imagine

21 Sep
“A human being is a part of a whole, called by us _universe_, a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings as something separated from the rest… a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty.” ~Albert Einstein
“Imagination is more important than knowledge”~Albert Einstein
Only if you can Imagine…
Holding it, I knew the truth.
It is a fossilized clam from time before.
You cannot tell me it isn’t.
It can not speak but shouts,” Look here!”
Many will scoff but most care not.
I want to know. “How did you find me?”
I just looked and there you were.
Seeing can be so easy when you look.
I must show the children.
Uncalloused minds want to touch.
Trust me, it IS real.
We want to know, don’t we?
Scientists will always question.
Artists never fail to see.
Children embrace curiosity.
Don’t talk to me unless you will listen.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

My Epic Road Trip

Northern Adventure

Happy Canada Day!

I really have been very few places out of New York and New England. I always have wanted to see Canada. I've heard that the highways are clean and speed limits are unheard of.

My love of forests and wilderness would certainly be satisfied.

As for weather, I enjoy it really cool so North is always my favorite direction.

An excellent road trip is more about who you are with than where you're going.

My dog would absolutely be by my side and I have a few friends that I would enjoy as well.

No schedules, meals when hungry and stops as they seem interesting.

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Friday, August 27, 2010

My Earliest Memory

As I assume it was....


Well, I was just hanging out when I realized, I couldn't stretch my legs. As I pushed, I would roll. Odd but fun.

My first science experiment had proven that ," Every action has an equal and opposite reaction." Brilliant!

Sight was not possible and I remained unaware of it until a moment came, when I was so very crowded, I could not stand it! Call me claustrophobic but I am NOT happy.

Waves of energy pushed on me until...WOW! "Let there be light!"

Ouch...too bright.

Oh my! Approximately 14 pounds per square inch. are not my brother and you are very heavy. skin is crawling. I am freezing!

Forget handing me around, somebody better cover me up.

Ugh...don't these morons know that washing me adds to the cold!

A piercing sound...did that come from me? Cool...this is going to be handy when I need something. Look at those big people scramble.

Why is everyone smiling...this has been the worst day ever!

If this is an example of birthdays...I think I'll pass on any more!

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