Friday, August 27, 2010

My Earliest Memory

As I assume it was....


Well, I was just hanging out when I realized, I couldn't stretch my legs. As I pushed, I would roll. Odd but fun.

My first science experiment had proven that ," Every action has an equal and opposite reaction." Brilliant!

Sight was not possible and I remained unaware of it until a moment came, when I was so very crowded, I could not stand it! Call me claustrophobic but I am NOT happy.

Waves of energy pushed on me until...WOW! "Let there be light!"

Ouch...too bright.

Oh my! Approximately 14 pounds per square inch. are not my brother and you are very heavy. skin is crawling. I am freezing!

Forget handing me around, somebody better cover me up.

Ugh...don't these morons know that washing me adds to the cold!

A piercing sound...did that come from me? Cool...this is going to be handy when I need something. Look at those big people scramble.

Why is everyone smiling...this has been the worst day ever!

If this is an example of birthdays...I think I'll pass on any more!

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Monday, August 23, 2010

One Law I'd Abolish

I smell something rotten on the books.

Miss Liberty

The very first law that came to mind is "Eminent Domain".

According to Wikipedia it is, " the inherent power of the state to seize a citizen's private property, expropriate property, or seize a citizen's rights in property with due monetary compensation, but without the owner's consent. The property is taken either for government use or by delegation to third parties who will devote it to public or civic use or, in some cases, economic development."

What the heck?

The proper exercise of this would be an all knowing, all loving god!

I've yet to meet a human being that qualifies for that position.

The State has proven it cares not for individual rights and the Legislature cares only for the almighty dollar. Yet, they are the deciders of who loses property?

A citizen who owns property should be subject to laws to maintain it but NOT at a threat to lose it. Certainly not at the judgment of the State.

"Due monetary compensation" is a bit, pathetically, vague.

Nowadays, more than ever, my trust in government and, it's interest in the individual, is very low.

Hate to have that kind of power in the hands of the State.

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Monday, August 16, 2010

The Funny Sticks

Playing upon words,phrases, and sci-fi films...

This is a movie that I quote so very often.

John Candy was a brilliant funny man...this was not his best film but his presense sure helps the silly theme.

"Funny...she doesn't look Druish?"

"I'm a Mog. Half man, half dog, I'm my own best friend."

Rick Morannis was at his silly best, as well. The whole movie kept me in stitches and continues to stick me right in the funny bone!

I don't think you need to be a sci-fi buff to laugh but it sure makes it a better ride.

The word play is magnificent...double meanings abound.

Kick back with a friend you enjoy being "silly" with and have some "spit takes" together!

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Thursday, August 12, 2010

The One Who Got Away

I never, ever expected that!

I wanna hold your hand

Remember that scene in City Slickers when Curly (the wise old cowboy) talked of being "in love" once?

He goes on to describe a beautiful woman who he spied hanging out her clothes. He never talked to her, yet he felt he'd fallen for her.

It was a windy day. I was a young mother in my late twenties. I had stopped by a local "Mom and Pop" store for milk and as I opened my door, a stack of papers fell out. The wind sent them flying. As I was chasing them, I was joined in the pursuit, by a handsome young man in a shirt and tie.

His eyes were intelligent and deep. He was a complete stranger.

As he handed me the papers he had saved, I felt like I was in a cartoon. It seemed like sparks were flying from our fingers!

There was a connection,an attraction, the likes I have never felt since. I could tell that he felt it too.

Embarrassed by this, we nodded good bye and he left.

Never did I see him again.

I felt, for a short time, that I had some how been unfaithful to my husband.

It was only one moment... but I had felt " in love".

Now I know what Curly was saying...

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The Beginning of My Memoir

Emotionally yours...

In order to feel great joy, you have to feel sorrow.

When I was a small child, my mother could not allow me to watch Lassie.

Even before I could describe feelings, I had deep ones. When Lassie would whine, I would cry. At least, that's what I was told...

I do remember having blood drawn. I would break into tears so often that my mother took me to the doctor.

On the flipside, I felt excitement and joy over such simple things. I still do.

In artwork, one can not display light without darkness. Deep feelings have a wide spectrum.

Is it a curse? I would not trade that ability for anything.

Of course, when we are young, we believe everyone comes from the exact same place. It was not until recently that I discovered not everyone seems to have the same depth or ability to experience emotion.

This sounds hopelessly condescending...I do not mean to.

The creative spirit is based in emotion. The most creative of us have traditionally bordered on mental illness.(so we believe)

Who's to say that the "mentally ill" are not the enlightened ones?

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Friday, August 6, 2010

My Superhero's Special Power

This power would be used only for GOOD.


I'd be "spay/neuter woman"!

All pets, far and wide, could be neutered, free of charge, just for the asking!

No more homeless more unwanted puppies.

What a wonderful power THAT would be!

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Thursday, August 5, 2010

One Thing I Learned Recently

We are truly alone but not necessarily lonely.

Celle - My shadow on stilts!

After years spent feeling that I was responsible for anyone else but myself, I realized that's a bunch of bologna!

Parents can beat themselves into an early grave if they allow the actions of their adult kids to reflect upon them.

Really,I have much to be proud of but the notion that we can control the actions of anyone else is absurd.

We arrive alone...make friends,influence changes...then die, alone.

This is not meant to be a dark thought but one that is freeing.

Whenever, a situation arises I now think, "Do the best that you can." but then that's all anyone can do.

We need not take credit for anyone elses successes and surely don't deserve their shame IF we have done, what we consider, our best.

No excuses know when you haven't lived up to "your best".

By reminding myself, that I only have control over my own actions,it gives me great power. It's hard to do "right" when we have others to take responsibility for.

Being alone and being lonely are not the same.

Take care of how YOU react and all the rest are just details.

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Wednesday, August 4, 2010

The Funniest Thing I've Ever Heard a Child Say

let's read this

When you send your preschoolers to day care, I hope you can trust the caregiver has a sense of humor!

One day I was asking my kids about what their parents do for a living. We were making books about ourselves and I wanted to know what they were hoping to be when they grew up. By the way,at that time, Batman was the overwhelming winner for career choice! I realized that the kids probably didn’t know exactly what their parents did and the, Art Linkletter in me,wanted to ask. (Art Linkletter was a TV personality who interviewed kids for a funny show called,”Kids say the Darndest Things” back in the day.)

The answers the kids gave to ,”What does your father do?” were cute. One young man’s answer stood out.

“What does your father do?” was my question.

“He hollers at my Mom.”

I decided to change the subject quickly.

“What does Mom do?”

“She cries.”

I knew this family and I assumed they had had a recent argument but I knew better than to suspect true abuse.

All I could do was hide my face and laugh!!!

Kids say the darndest things!

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Tuesday, August 3, 2010



When the Lights Go Out

Let's get real...


Power outages and snowstorms are my favorites.

Grabbing the candles ...I know where they are even in the dark.

(I am assuming it's night time.)

Even though the power will probably be back on within the hour, everyone is instructed NOT to open the refrigerator= Conservation of the cold food.

Then we watch the light show from the storm. Keeping your hands away from the metal doors and storm window casings is a good idea and staying off the land line telephone too. I once watched a phone receiver knocked off of it's base from a lightening strike.

Of course, thunderstorms are short lived but the adventure in the dark is just beginning.

The shadow play with candlelight is our first sport. Hopefully, some of us have practiced our techniques and have new talent to share.

Next, word games...I'm Going on a Trip and Charades are very popular.

Hopefully, the power is STILL off. This is the point at which we each other. At first, it's similar to Plinky prompts but eventually it becomes a real sharing of feelings and ideas.

Certainly, the campfire chats of days-gone-by must have resembled this.

Kinda makes me pine for the simple times...


Lights rebooting,phone ringing,and searching for the TV remote. Back to reality!

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Sunday, August 1, 2010

S is for Solstace

Seasons sing songs so sweet.

Four Seasons - Longbridge Road


Sunsets shorten

Slowly sending summer

Sailing south


Swooping swirls

Seasonal sharpened senses

School starts


Showers soaking

Swiftly shallow sounds

Shadows snowflakes


Soundless solid

Slipping strong sunshine

Solar spotlight


Survival scents

Suddenly spirits soar

Spearmint sowing


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