As I assume it was....
Well, I was just hanging out when I realized, I couldn't stretch my legs. As I pushed, I would roll. Odd but fun.
My first science experiment had proven that ," Every action has an equal and opposite reaction." Brilliant!
Sight was not possible and I remained unaware of it until a moment came, when I was so very crowded, I could not stand it! Call me claustrophobic but I am NOT happy.
Waves of energy pushed on me until...WOW! "Let there be light!"
Ouch...too bright.
Oh my! Approximately 14 pounds per square inch. are not my brother and you are very heavy. skin is crawling. I am freezing!
Forget handing me around, somebody better cover me up.
Ugh...don't these morons know that washing me adds to the cold!
A piercing sound...did that come from me? Cool...this is going to be handy when I need something. Look at those big people scramble.
Why is everyone smiling...this has been the worst day ever!
If this is an example of birthdays...I think I'll pass on any more!