Thursday, August 12, 2010

The Beginning of My Memoir

Emotionally yours...

In order to feel great joy, you have to feel sorrow.

When I was a small child, my mother could not allow me to watch Lassie.

Even before I could describe feelings, I had deep ones. When Lassie would whine, I would cry. At least, that's what I was told...

I do remember having blood drawn. I would break into tears so often that my mother took me to the doctor.

On the flipside, I felt excitement and joy over such simple things. I still do.

In artwork, one can not display light without darkness. Deep feelings have a wide spectrum.

Is it a curse? I would not trade that ability for anything.

Of course, when we are young, we believe everyone comes from the exact same place. It was not until recently that I discovered not everyone seems to have the same depth or ability to experience emotion.

This sounds hopelessly condescending...I do not mean to.

The creative spirit is based in emotion. The most creative of us have traditionally bordered on mental illness.(so we believe)

Who's to say that the "mentally ill" are not the enlightened ones?

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1 comment:

  1. Hello,
    It is nice to see your beginning of a memoir, thanks for stopping by mu blogger account.
    Happy Tuesday!
